In the Magadan region clients

Clients “Aeroflot”, living in the Magadan region, complained of the need to drive many kilometers from the regional center for exchange and refund of the purchased tickets, according to Vostok.Today. According to them, cash or voucher supposedly issued only in this office, but many passengers do not even live in the Magadan and in remote villages such as Berry, which is 500 km from the capital of Kolyma. So, one of the residents of Berry Tatiana told that a refund for the tickets, you need to go to the airport “Sokol”. “We are 500 miles, still have the risk of Contracting the virus. But alternatives do not give”, — she complained. Local journalists found out that the Internet is supposedly possible to cancel the trip, but the cost of the ticket for some reason in this case is not refundable, even if a travel document purchased through the website of “Aeroflot”. Earlier, the company announced the ability to change both the date and the direction of flight without the penalties of the air carrier.

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